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Whether you're interested in hair transplants or non-surgical solutions, you can trust the providers of the Foundation Aesthetic Hair Restoration Method to expertly guide you through your hair restoration journey. Schedule a consultation today to see what our team can do for you and start writing your own success story.

After a Hair Transplant, Meet the New Brad

“I saw a friend last night who also had a hair transplant. I saw him before I had mine, and it was good. Now, seeing him again, I can’t believe how much better mine looks. It’s shocking the difference, and his isn’t bad. Mine is just awesome. I can honestly say the results are amazing. I have so much hair. People are commenting like crazy. I love it. I'll see my mom next month. I can’t wait to get her reaction.

As a Broadway actor, this new look gives me confidence, both professionally and personally, that I forgot I once had. I also own a brush and a hair dryer now, if that says anything!”

Procedure: Follicular Unit Micrografting

Procedure details: Before and 1 year after, 2300 grafts were done by strip. This was a particularly challenging procedure due to the fine density of the donor's hairs but, more importantly, the unusual direction—in a posterior direction—of hair growth along the hairline. To properly achieve a natural appearing result, the existing “cowlick” had to be followed carefully by the surgeon, with the grafts placed individually into these unusually directed recipient sites- something that was accomplished properly to achieve as nice a result as shown.

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After a Reparative Hair Procedure, Say “Hello” to a More Confident Joshua

“Dr. E, you are the best. You know I did my homework—being in the entertainment field with my history as a male model, I know what can go right (and go wrong), and I’m so glad I found you.

My hair looks great after you fixed my prior plugs, and now I love my face work. No one knows why I look younger, and I don’t intend to tell them about the facelift and eyelid lift you did.”

Procedure: Reparative Hair Transplant, Mid-Facelift, and Blepharoplasty

Procedure details: Before and after a full facelift, upper blepharoplasty, pinch lower lid blepharoplasty, and a reparative hair transplant.

After FUE, a New Sense of Self—and NO MORE Hair Piece!

“My experience with Dr. Epstein was extremely positive. But I’ve read far too many horror stories from other guys, so I thought I might be able to keep people from making the wrong choices. There are so many stories out there of people who look like they’ve been butchered, and 1 thing I’m sure of is that the surgeons make all the difference in the world.

When you get started, as I said before, do your homework! Losing your hair is a major bummer, but compared to having to deal with a hairpiece or getting cornrows like some of the people out there, it probably isn’t even so bad! The hairpiece, in my opinion, was the worst thing ever. Before I finally had my hair transplant, I wore 1 and regretted every day of it. Talk about paranoia. That and the hassle, and it never looked right, and I had to have it redone so often… and, well, it just sucked!

I first looked into a transplant 5-6 years ago with another doctor. I couldn’t believe the photos he showed me. The results were the old mini-graft method and looked pluggy, thin, and terrible. Plus, it looked like it would cost $20,000+. Thank goodness I walked out of that office. Unfortunately, it seems like a lot of guys DIDN’T walk out of the office back then… and they’re regretting it now!

Then, about a year ago, I heard about Follicular Unit Transplants, and I started looking into it. I did a tremendous amount of research and was horrified at the results many people say they had gotten with early HT methods and at how many people said they were either messed up by quacks or screwed over by the big chains.

After evaluating tons of photos, looking at reviews, devouring a bunch of great websites, and seeing doctors’ literature, I settled on who seemed to be the best doctor for me: Jeffrey Epstein out of Miami, FL. He turned out to be an excellent decision.

Dr. Epstein was not only super-qualified but was actually pretty cool, too. His staff was great as well. They were kind and accommodating during the surgery, brought in lunch, and 1 of the girls even offered to take me to my hotel on the way home.

I was almost completely bald on top (Norwood 6) and had a ‘mega-session’ of about 2,200 FU’s. I was initially worried about the donor scar. But 6 months later, it’s nearly invisible when I lift my hair to try to find it. I think that’s another benefit of choosing the right doctor. Dr. Epstein’s background was facial plastic surgery—I didn’t want a horror scar like I had heard about from others, and I got virtually none from him.

By late July, I was very pleased with the results—so much so that I burned my old hair pieces!"

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A Little Girl’s Scalp Is Saved by Dr. Epstein

“A little girl is undergoing a dramatic surgical procedure to replace her burned scalp, an injury she suffered at just a few months old. 5-year-old Addison Moman is dealing with very adult issues. She wears a wig and has low self-esteem.

At just 9 months old, Addison was burned by hot grease on more than 45 percent of her body, causing her to lose half her hair and discoloring parts of her body. Now, she has just 1 wish: to diminish the scars that a terrible accident left on her scalp. “I want to get hair on that side,” Addison said as she gestured to the right side of her head.

And now, thanks to the generosity of South Florida Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon Jeffrey Epstein, her wish is becoming a reality.

Addison underwent surgery at South Miami Hospital. Dr. Epstein placed 2 balloon expanders underneath her scalp that were gradually filled with saline to stretch her skin. The second procedure will take place in about 3 months. “The third surgery will basically let me cover to all the way out here,” Dr. Epstein said while pointing to the rest of Addison’s scalp, “and then for the third procedure, I will do some hair transplants. Taking hair from another part of her scalp and reconstructing her sideburns.”

Addison's mother speaks about how great her daughter is despite the deformation she suffers. “She’s so vibrant and full of energy. She is the most important thing in my life,” said Bobbi Jo Moman. Addison and her mother have so much to be thankful for. “This means so much to me, just to know that this is going to give her a better life,” said Moman.

According to Dr. Epstein, Addison should have her hair by the end of the summer. “Thank you for giving me hair,” said Addison with a smile.”

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