Hairline lowering, also known as forehead reduction, is a surgical procedure that repositions the hairline to create a more balanced and aesthetically pleasing forehead by removing excess scalp and advancing the hairline forward.
Surgical Hairline Advancement (SHA) for Balanced Features
Hairline lowering is a minimally invasive surgery that involves repositioning the hairline lower on the forehead. This procedure can reduce the size of the forehead by approximately 1-2 centimeters in a single session. The surgery is typically performed under local anesthesia, ensuring that patients are comfortable throughout the procedure. In some cases, a brow lift can be combined with hairline lowering to further enhance facial harmony and achieve optimal results. This procedure is ideal for both men and women who are self-conscious about the size of their foreheads. The result is a more balanced and natural-looking hairline that complements the patient’s overall appearance, elevates confidence, and helps patients feel more like the best version of themselves.