Improve Your Facial Harmony With Hairline Lowering/Forehead Reduction

A large forehead can distract attention away from a person’s more appealing features, preventing them from being seen for who they truly are—and the impact on confidence can be devastating. But in the hands of a skilled surgeon trained in the Foundation Aesthetic Hair Restoration Method, hairline lowering can be a permanent solution. Hairline lowering, also known as forehead reduction or surgical hairline advancement (SHA), is a surgical procedure designed to reduce the size of the forehead by advancing the hairline. This procedure is ideal for individuals who feel their forehead is too high or disproportionate to their facial features, offering a more balanced and aesthetically pleasing appearance.

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Surgical Hairline Advancement (SHA) for Balanced Features

Hairline lowering is a minimally invasive surgery that involves repositioning the hairline lower on the forehead. This procedure can reduce the size of the forehead by approximately 1-2 centimeters in a single session. The surgery is typically performed under local anesthesia, ensuring that patients are comfortable throughout the procedure. In some cases, a brow lift can be combined with hairline lowering to further enhance facial harmony and achieve optimal results. This procedure is ideal for both men and women who are self-conscious about the size of their foreheads. The result is a more balanced and natural-looking hairline that complements the patient’s overall appearance, elevates confidence, and helps patients feel more like the best version of themselves.

Is Forehead Reduction Right For You?

For a successful hairline-lowering surgery, some specific conditions must be met, including the following:

  • A stable hairline: Patients experiencing ongoing male or female pattern hair loss may not be the best candidates for SHA and could benefit more from hair grafting.
  • Scalp flexibility: Adequate scalp elasticity is necessary to allow for the desired hairline advancement.
  • Readiness for surgery: Patients must be prepared for a more invasive procedure in order to achieve significant changes.

As a result, the majority of candidates for this procedure are women with naturally high hairlines. Other ideal candidates include the following:

  • Men who do not have active or potential future frontal hair loss
  • Men who have previously undergone hair transplants and want to further lower their hairline
  • Individuals, both male and female, who have scarring from prior transplants and are seeking to correct it
  • Women with frontal fibrosing alopecia, a type of scarring alopecia that causes hairline recession

When you choose a highly reputable surgeon who has trained in the Foundation Aesthetic Hair Restoration Method, you can rest easy with the peace of mind that they will always have your best interests in mind. Your surgeon will carefully evaluate your goals and help you arrive at the right treatment plan for you.

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A Little Less Forehead, a Lot More Confidence

Hairline advancement surgery is designed to lower the hairline and reduce forehead height, removing excess forehead skin without changing the position of the eyebrows—unless specifically requested. For a more comprehensive result, this procedure can be combined with a brow lift to raise sagging eyebrows. It can also be paired with frontal bone reduction, where the forehead bone is reshaped to smooth out any prominence and create a more refined profile.

This surgery, performed under general anesthesia, typically takes less than 2 hours. The plastic surgeon begins by making an incision along the hairline, carefully preserving hair follicles so that hair can grow through the scar. The scalp is then lifted and advanced to its new position, with special attention given to maximizing scalp mobility.

To secure the hairline in place, our surgeons use Endotine® clips, which dissolve within 6 months. Excess forehead skin is removed, and the incision is closed using a layered plastic surgery technique to promote optimal healing.

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Revealing the New You

Forehead reduction surgery often provides greater hair density than multiple hair transplant sessions in a fraction of the time. You can return home the same day, and once the head wrap is removed on the second day, your hair can be brushed forward over the sutures. Most patients can resume normal activities, including exercise, within a week. Sutures are typically removed about a week after surgery, and if you're traveling, a local doctor can handle this. Most patients fly home the day after the procedure. While many patients are pleased with the density and shape of their hairline after surgery, some may opt for additional hair grafting to further refine the hairline or conceal the incision. Hair grafting can be done within 3 months of forehead reduction surgery. With a Foundation method surgeon, your plan is always entirely bespoke, a customized experience to help you achieve your unique goals.

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A New Forehead for a New Outlook

If you’re ready to explore the benefits of hairline-lowering surgery, we are here to help. Schedule a consultation to learn more about the procedure, discuss your goals, and develop a personalized treatment plan. We’re committed to helping you achieve a more balanced and confident look so you can face the world with a renewed sense of confidence.

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